
The Real Estate Council of San Antonio is proud to list our partnerships with industry-leading organizations and companies in support of our mission to advance and elevate the real estate industry in San Antonio.

Responsible Growth Alliance

The Responsible Growth Alliance (RGA) serves as a resource and an advocate for the real estate industry in San Antonio. Formed in 2002, members of the RGA work collaboratively to ensure continued job growth, quality of life and affordable housing.

This is done by educating our civic leaders and the public about the San Antonio real estate development industry’s positive economic impact. Scott Farrimond, with Farrimond, Bresnahan & Castillo, currently serves as chair.

An economic impact study is commissioned every 2-3 years. The most recent study in 2020 showed $38.2 billion dollars in economic activity. It also showed that it generates approximately 1/7 of the area’s economic output, employs over 143,000 people in the San Antonio area, has a payroll of $7.7B each year, and generates approximately $263M in tax revenue.



Real Estate Councils of Texas

Purpose: To educate and advocate on behalf of the commercial real estate industry of Texas.

San Antonio Business Coalition


RECSA Community Project program

2025 Client: TBD

Community Project Program Mission: Annually provide a tangible benefit to an active partner organization in the larger San Antonio community that is unique to the skill sets of our members being from the local real estate industry.

2025 Scope: TBA

Event Day: TBA

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Thank you to our 2024 community project supporters!

View the 2023 project at samministries

Real Estate Council of San Antonio