Council Monitor: Quarter 2 – 2023

PRESIDENT’S COLUMN, Winds of Change. Q2 2023 is a wrap! As you’ve noticed, there are a lot of changes going on at RECSA: new logo, new office, new website, new […]

Council Monitor: First Qtr, 2023

PRESIDENT’S COLUMN, Hello, 2023! As your current RECSA President, I’d like to thank Fernando Diego, 2022 RECSA President, for doing a fantastic job leading the organization last year… 2022 was […]

Council Monitor: Dec. 2022

President’s Column, Thank You. Through heavy workloads and robust “deal” pipelines coupled with labor shortages, supply chain issues, interest rates rising, expensive land, expensive construction, longer projects, numerous stressful policy […]

Council Monitor: July – September 2022

President’s Column, Advancing RECSA, New Leadership Development Program class underscores tremendous progress. The 2022-2023 RECSA Leadership Development Program class held their Kick-off Retreat in Rio Cibolo Ranch… In September, RECSA hosted […]

Council Monitor: May – June 2022,

President’s Column, Dog days of summer, Fight Night sets the stage for an incredible second half of 2022. The RECSA staff was at the Convention Center to wrap up the […]

Council Monitor: March – April 2022

President’s Column, Post-pandemic agenda picks up speed, RECSA continues to work to stay in front of the issues. This recent March Program celebrated Women’s History Month by hosting an all-female […]

Council Monitor: January – February 2022

President’s Column, Thanks to all members and especially to Brad Carson. Great programs, advocacy and planning propel RECSA into the new year. Following Martha’s retirement, Stephanie Reyes has served as […]

Council Monitor: November – December 2021

President’s Column, Industry and RECSA poised for a strong 2022. San Antonio is projected to have more housing starts than ever, 21,000, which is a number that was unfathomable even […]