Council Monitor

Council Monitor: Dec. 2022

President’s Column, Thank You.

Through heavy workloads and robust “deal” pipelines coupled with labor shortages, supply chain issues, interest rates rising, expensive land, expensive construction, longer projects, numerous stressful policy initiatives, and political turmoil, I am honored to have served as your President… As 2022 wraps up, I would like to say thank you to…Lastly, I’d like to welcome our incoming 2023 RECSA President, George Peck. Over the many years he’s been with RECSA, George has served on the Planning Commission for this last UDC Amendment Process that just concluded…


With the Government Affairs Committee working closely with the City of San Antonio, our biggest accomplishment of 2022 was our participation in the Unified Development Code (UDC) Amendment process… 191 amendments were eventually approved by City Council in November… Other accomplishments and items that we’ve worked on include: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AS A MEMBER TO ACCESS FULL COUNCIL MONITOR.

There are multiple key individuals whose term on TAC is expiring in the spring, and we’ll need to replace these members with individuals who have a strong working knowledge of our industry… The COSA is in the process of forming a new Flooding and Stormwater Committee… The Climate Action and Benchmarking ordinance will continue to make progress…

Lastly, I’m happy to announce this month we will be starting our regularly scheduled meetings with the TxDOT San Antonio District office, like we do with the City, County, SAWS, SARA and CPS. TxDOT plays a critical role for many projects requiring traffic studies, driveway permits, utility permits, turn lanes, traffic signals, and infrastructure improvements…

PROGRAMS, Quality over Quantity.

This year the Programs Committee met multiple times to develop and create programs that met our member’s needs… Todd Mills, Mike Lynd, and Andrew Ozuna will be panelists discussing the Economic Outlook after we will hear from the Dallas Fed speaker, Luis Torres…All programs and events have sponsorship opportunities that allow the organization to generate profit per event…

MEMBERSHIP, Finishing Strong.

We appreciate your support and welcome the following members: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AS A MEMBER TO ACCESS FULL COUNCIL MONITOR.

COMMUNICATIONS, Third Day of Christmas.

To cap off the year, there have been three exciting communications updates to take note of: 1. Branding efforts, 2. New address, and 3. Social media.


Real Estate Council of San Antonio