Council Monitor

Council Monitor: November – December 2021

President’s Column, Industry and RECSA poised for a strong 2022.

San Antonio is projected to have more housing starts than ever, 21,000, which is a number that was unfathomable even a few years ago… Between new events, initiatives, and other great industry opportunities, RECSA is also poised for its best year ever… Amendments to the UDC will dominate our industry during 2022… We had a successful year between state and local government, with no material regulatory changes to coming out of either branch… There have been significant changes at RECSA HQ following Martha’s retirement announcement, and I’m proud to see the Executive Committee and Hiring Committee navigate those changes…

Government Affairs, Challenging year leads to…another challenging year, Trey Dawson takes over as RECSA’s Government Affairs VP.

As stated, your newest leader, Trey Dawson, will take over the reins as VP Government Affairs and lead the charge… From housing issues, to CDDP, to SAWS tri-lateral contracts, to noise ordinances, to LID manuals and UDC, we’ve seen it all this year and couldn’t have done this without our steadfast volunteers… Highlights for the month are: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AS A MEMBER TO ACCESS FULL COUNCIL MONITOR.

Programs, A year of excellent programs draws to a close, but 2022’s schedule is already off to a great start.

The Governmental Affairs update gave members insight of SAWS, CPS, SARA, County Commissioner’s Court, City Hall, and City Council members… The Programs Committee has approved over 10 exciting programs. We will have more industry leaders, including some institutional capital investors, for the January programs. Jeff Rosenberg, CEO of Big V, and Ross Cooper, President of Kimco, will address the group on their big bet in San Antonio’s retail market…

Membership, Pandemic years highlight importance of relationships.

The importance of bringing timely updates to you is the utmost focus of RECSA. Please welcome our newest members to RECSA: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AS A MEMBER TO ACCESS FULL COUNCIL MONITOR.

Committee members spotlight.

Thank you to our Membership Committee members of 2021 for their tireless hard work: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AS A MEMBER TO ACCESS FULL COUNCIL MONITOR.

Council Monitor Sponsor, It’s that time of year again! Holiday season likely to produce federal tax changes.

We have much to look forward to this time of year. It’s become an annual tradition for pundits, accountants and the clients to monitor the activities of Congress the last weeks of December hoping to glean tidbits of information from various press clippings about the current administration’s plans for the Internal Revenue Code… Individual tax changes are proposed for congressional approval by the end of the year. Three proposals are to be discussed: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AS A MEMBER TO ACCESS FULL COUNCIL MONITOR.

Real Estate Council of San Antonio