Building Community

RECSA has been advocating on behalf of responsible real estate development through advocacy and education for over 31 years.

Our Mission

We strive for a sustainable balance between the real estate market and public policy to ensure our industry and entire community can grow and thrive together.

View 2024 Mid-year Review

“The Leadership Development Program not only taught me quite a bit about the inner workings of our City and all of the variables affecting our industry, but also provided the opportunity to work and connect with a team in pursuit of a common goal. I could not be prouder of the results we achieved by collectively applying our individual skills into creating our Project X and the Clay Shoot.”

Crystal Acker
Attorney at Kruger Carson PLLC

Our Values

Our History

We strive for a sustainable balance between the real estate market and public policy to ensure our industry and entire community can grow and thrive together.

Throughout our history we have provided expert guidance on:

February 6, 2023

Historic Preservation

RECSA has engaged in various iterations of the historic preservation ordinance over the years, specifically during the City’s process for amending its Unified Develpment Code (UDC). RECSA has played a […]
February 6, 2023
January 1, 2022


RECSA offered a letter of support for the City of San Antonio Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP).
January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022

Deconstruction Ordinance

RECSA reviewed and provided comments on the proposed ordinance, ultimately ensuring that commercial buildings were excluded.
January 1, 2022
RECSA provided input during public meetings and worked with the District 9 Council District to ensure that changes to the City Code were fair and reasonable.
January 1, 2021
RECSA met with CPS Energy regularly to stay updated on delays in supplies, specifically transformers. RECSA worked collaboratively with CPS Energy to develop alternative design options, share updates on delay […]
January 1, 2021
January 1, 2020

Notice & Right to Cure

RECSA helped defeat the proposed ordinance, which would have allowed tenants to stay in place even if they refused to pay rent.
January 1, 2020
January 1, 2020

Public Art Tax

RECA worked to keep a proposed tax on private development to pay for art from moving forward.
January 1, 2020
RECSA was successful in getting significant revisions made, including the creation of a technical committee with business and development industry representatives.
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

Renters Commission

RECSA was able to redirect efforts to create a renter’s commission with no landlord representation.
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2018

Short Term Rental Ordinance

RECSA ensured that eligiblity was not be based on zoning, rather that the criteria is met and the inspection is passed.
January 1, 2018
January 1, 2017

Military Protection Area

RECSA was at the table for discussions regarding the City’s authority to regulate land use around military bases. RECSA was successful in ensuring development was protected.
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017

Annexation & Growth Policy

RECSA worked with the City to create a policy that allows for the creation of special districts in the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2015

Rough Proportionality

RECSA collaborated with the City by providing technical expertise to develop a worksheet-based traffic impact analysis for Ch. 212 of the Local Government Code – Traffic Engineering Calculation. other cities […]
January 1, 2015
January 1, 2014

Vacant Building Ordinance

RECSA provided input in the creation of the Vacant Building Program (VBP), which was created to address the root causes of vacancy, increase public safety, and encourage economic development by […]
January 1, 2014
January 1, 2013

Absentee Owner Ordinance

RECSA ensured that there were adequate protections in place for property owners.
January 1, 2013
RECSA was at the table for discussions regarding the creation of the Fee In-Lieu-of (FILO) Program, a payment to the regional storm water fund in-lieu-of on-site detention as a mitigation […]
January 1, 2013
January 1, 2010

Tree Ordinance

RECSA was a the table for discussions on how to make surveying proteced trees easier and more efficient.
January 1, 2010
RECSA contributed technical expertise, including light experts and engineers to discussions regarding the City’s ordinance to protect military missions at Camp Bullis.
January 1, 2008
January 1, 2006

Tree Ordinance

RECSA reversed the most onerous provisions of the ordinance.
January 1, 2006
There are roadway corridors within the city that have been and/or will continue to be very significant to the City of San Antonio because of surrounding natural, historic, cultural, and […]
January 1, 2003
January 1, 2003

Tree Ordinance

RECSA was able to have several changes made, including but not limited to: reducing the diameter from 8 in to 6 in., ensuring smaller trees were protecred and based on […]
January 1, 2003
RECSA has played a significant role in the City of San Antonio’s process for updating its unified development code (UDC), which provides protocols and requirements for land development and building […]
January 1, 2001
RECSA successfully ensured a “rights to termination” provision was incorporated into the City’s Unifed Devleopment Code. RECSA worked closely with the City to create its own stop gap measure, Ch. […]
January 1, 1999
January 1, 1997

Tree Ordinance

RECSA ensured the City’s tree code balances the protection of existing trees, promotes the planting of new trees, and allow development to occur. This balance is critical as development continues […]
January 1, 1997
RECSA played a significant role in protecting the Edwards Aquifer Recharge zone, including the impervious cover limits in the recharge zone. After much negotiation, the result included grandfathering rights inside […]
January 1, 1995

Staff + Leadership


Real Estate Council of San Antonio